After switching my project from a more complicated bug to two bugs in processing-js that I think I can manage, I first started working on the larger bug for the release for this Thursday.

The bug is here.

The issue: If you apply the filter() with the ‘blur’ property on any of the shapes, the whole canvas begins to shift up and to the left.

After a lot of code reading and debugging using Firebug’s javascript breakpoints (very cool and powerful stuff!) , I isolated the bug to this section of code:

for (y = 0; y < aImgHeight; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < aImgWidth; x++) {
          cb = cg = cr = ca = sum = 0;
          read = x - sharedBlurRadius;
          if (read<0) {
            bk0 = -read;
            read = 0;
          } else {
            if (read >= aImgWidth) {
          for (i = bk0; i < sharedBlurKernelSize; i++) {
            if (read >= aImgWidth) {
            offset = (read + yi) *4;
            m = sharedBlurKernal[i];
            ca += m * pix[offset + 3];
            cr += m * pix[offset];
            cg += m * pix[offset + 1];
            cb += m * pix[offset + 2];
            sum += m;
          ri = yi + x;
          a2[ri] = ca / sum;
          r2[ri] = cr / sum;
          g2[ri] = cg / sum;
          b2[ri] = cb / sum;
        yi += aImgWidth;

      yi = 0;
      ym = -sharedBlurRadius;
      ymi = ym*aImgWidth;

      for (y = 0; y < aImgHeight; y++) {
        for (x = 0; x < aImgWidth; x++) {
          cb = cg = cr = ca = sum = 0;
          if (ym<0) {
            bk0 = ri = -ym;
            read = x;
          } else {
            if (ym >= aImgHeight) {
            bk0 = 0;
            ri = ym;
            read = x + ymi;
          for (i = bk0; i < sharedBlurKernelSize; i++) {
            if (ri >= aImgHeight) {
            m = sharedBlurKernal[i];
            ca += m * a2[read];
            cr += m * r2[read];
            cg += m * g2[read];
            cb += m * b2[read];
            sum += m;
            read += aImgWidth;
          offset = (x + yi) *4;
          pix[offset] = cr / sum;
          pix[offset + 1] = cg / sum;
          pix[offset + 2] = cb / sum;
          pix[offset + 3] = ca / sum;
        yi += aImgWidth;
        ymi += aImgWidth;

However, I wasn’t able to get much done with this. I found some useful references to guide me, like:

But it’s been taking long to understand the variables, the logic of the code and what might be causing the canvas to shift. I was expecting to find some code which might be using the translate() function, which might hint where I could start. No such luck yet 😛
So for this release, I switched to working on the other bug that is assigned to me, and I will get back to this bugger later.

Comment now!
